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MAiSA (Violinist)


3歳よりピアノ、4歳よりバイオリンを始める。桐朋女子高等学校音楽科を経て桐朋学園大学音楽学部卒業。2007年、北海道旭川市にて開催されたウィーン国際バイオリンセミナーin旭川において、最優秀生に選ばれる。翌年、北海道旭川市より助成金を受け、ザルツブルグ・モーツァルテウム国際音楽アカデミーに特待生として参加。2011年、スロベニアにて開催されたブレッド国際音楽コンクールにおいて第2位(最高位)受賞。2007年、成績優秀者として桐朋学園学内コンサート、高校Student's Concertに出演。2009年、そして 2014年にサントリーホールにて開催された、バイオリン・フェスタ・トウキョウに出演。2010年、大田区民ホール・アプリコにて定期的に開催されていた、アプリコ・ティーサロンコンサート vol.37に大田区出身アーティストとして選ばれ出演。2013年、優秀卒業生として桐朋学園大学音楽学部の卒業演奏会に出演。2015年、埼玉中央フィルハーモニーオーケストラとチャイコフスキー作曲バイオリン協奏曲を共演。また作曲・編曲家としても活動。クラシックだけでなくロックやヘヴィメタル等のジャンルでも音楽ユニットを立ち上げ、これまでに数々のコンサートを開催・出演、国内外の音楽誌等でも度々取り上げられている。2014年には、avex traxより発売された日本テレビ開局60周年記念CD『TV ダンス』にて、『ルパン三世のテーマ'79』のバイオリン、ピアノのアレンジ・演奏を担当。横浜を中心に活動中の人気DJと共演し、ダンスミュージックと生楽器のコラボレーションにに挑戦している。2020年11月にJIMS Recordsより、Jacob KollerプロデュースでCDデビュー。

MAiSA first picked up the Violin at age 4.  Her mom was a talented piano player who wanted MAiSA to learn the piano, but MAiSA thought the violin looked cooler.  MAiSA played only classical music until in her teen years she discovered Hans Zimmer, and she fell in love with his film compositions.  She started to compose and arrange and wanted to study both in college, but was pressured to stay the classical course.  She studied at Toho Garden College of Music in Tokyo, Japan where she honed her Violin skills.

MAiSA was awarded the “Best Student” award of the Vienna International Violin Materclass in Asahikawa which granted her a scholorship from Asahikawa city to attend Mozarteum International Summer Academy in Salzburg.  She was also awarded the highest prize award in the Bled International Music Competition in 2011.  She was chosen by the Ota ward to perform at Aprico Tea Salon Concert.  She has performed twice at Suntory Hall (2009 and 2014) for the Violin Festa Tokyo, and was the featured soloist for the Saitama Center Philharmonic Orchestra in 2015.

As MAiSA became a great classical musician, she never felt like she was in the right place musically.  She spoke with her professors and mentors about it and they all advised her to “stay the course” and “work on finding a husband” instead of exploring other music.  MAiSA hated that female Japanese musicians were forced into such tight boxes and stereotypes, and was really struggling with the industry until she came accross a song on the radio that would inspire her to stand up for herself and change her musical path.  That song was “Master of Puppets” by Metallica.  For the first time, MAiSA found music that spoke to her fully, and she dove into the world of Heavy Metal, and fused her classical training and her love for Heavy Metal into her own arraging and compositions.  Around the same time she met a fellow non-conformer; Jacob Koller.  Jacob is an amazingly talented pianist who immediately noticed MAiSA’s passion when playing, and the two teamed up to give MAiSA the platform to create and be herself.

MAiSA brings the wonderful blend of a lifetime of classical training and the love of rock music and the spirit of a human who insists on pushing the limits of her craft to create stunningly moving and exciting arrangements that have to be experienced and heard.  

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